Sunday, November 9, 2008

This Weeks Baby Pictures

Halloween Fun

Halloween is definitely Caden's favorite holiday. It must be the combination of getting to wear costumes along with massive amounts of candy.

This picture was about 2 weeks prior to Halloween. (Everyone knows you have to start early to get in the Halloween spirit.)

Here we see the two pumpkins we carved the day before Halloween. We had planned on carving them sooner but we have had our schedules all messed up. The one on the left is Caden's creation. It has toothpicks sticking out of its head for an added effect.

Here is Caden on Halloween night just before the night on the town. Although he is a total sugar-a-holic, he still ended up being more into acting like a ninja than asking for candy. His moves included; sneaking up on people, hiding behind light poles & bushes, demonstrating his ninja spins/kicks and most importantly showcasing his vast array of weapons.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Home at Last

We are pleased to announce that Colton was FINALLY able to come home from the hospital today. It was only a week but at times it felt like a lifetime. It is so nice to have him here with us (even though he is still trying to figure out what this non-hospital life is all about).

Saturday, October 25, 2008

More Pictures

As seen in the bottom picture, Colton is in an incubator to help him get enough oxygen. His lungs are a little underdeveloped (but nothing to be too concerned about). He will stay a few more days at the hospital until his lungs start fully functioning on their own. He still looks great and we are thrilled to have him officially join our family!

Pictures of Colton James (6 lbs. 14.2 oz & 21 1/2") Born Oct 23rd at 5:58 pm

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Boyer's Farm

Caden had a field trip this week to Boyer's farm. Dad was out of town so we took lots of pictures for him. We saw lots of farm animals, went through a maze, went on a hay ride, picked a pumpkin, and then had fresh apple cidar (Caden's favorite part). It was so fun to see Caden in action at school. Then to round off the day we spent 6 hours in the hospital, because I slipped on the wet grass and fell down during the field trip. Other than some frequent contractions, everything was fine and they finally let me go home. Caden thinks hospitals are cool because he got to watch 6 straight hours of T.V.

Attack of the Killer Bees

Our home teacher invited a few young families in the ward to come and watch him harvest his honey. What we didn't expect was a scene from a horror show. When he opened the hive the bees got a little upset. It would have been fine but the kids had just picked and started eating some juicy apples from the nearby tree. The aggitated bees started flying everywhere. Mothers and children were screaming. For some crazy reason I kept getting them stuck in my hair. After three bee stings to my head, one on Jared's face, and one unscathed boy we made it into the house. The rest of the harvesting went well (because we did it in the garage). Overall, the image of a primary class activity gone wrong has kept us laughing ever since.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Few of the Pictures We Were Able to Salvage

This is a picture we took of the Sacred Grove. It was incredible to be able to experience the sights and the feelings first hand.

This is Heidi and Caden in the upstairs of the Smith Log Home. It was here that the Angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith.

Here is Caden in training to become one of the Nephite Warriors. The production of the Hill Cumorah Pagent was really incredible. (We even got a chance to hang out with Uncle Jacob)

We're Back!!

So this is our sad story of our recent absence from the world of blogging...
  1. First, as you might have noticed our camera picture quality has been steadily declining. We finally decided to invest in a new camera.
  2. Second, shortly after we got our new camera we have enjoyed a series of great summer vacations (from the Hill Cumorah, to Niagara Falls, to Oregon, to Utah) and have been saving the pictures to post.
  3. Next, after we finished our vacation spree, we loaded our pictures on the computer to prepare to post when our computer went on the fritz. Ahhh!!!
  4. Finally, (hundreds of dollars later) we now have a new camera, a new computer, and very few pictures of the last several months and years (as we lost all of our pictures off our hard drive).

Don't worry, even after all these blogging trials, we are back for another attempt.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's a...


We are all very excited to be adding another healthy boy to the mix. Caden won the bet with Mom and now will have a companion for his adventures.

The due date still looks like the end of Oct/beginning of Nov.

I would attach pictures but they are a little rated.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Picnic Anyone?

This was Caden's final day of preschool. They were all invited to bring their Teddy Bears for a class picnic. Caden decided to bring both his Teddy Bears (Apple and Sleddy). Although Caden will miss his school until Fall, Mom is relieved that at least she gets the summer off from trying to get Caden to be up and at em by 9:00 a.m. (He gets his heavy sleeping from her!)

Bobby Flay prepare for a Throwdown

Caden is our own little Chef. His creations range from quite tasty to deadly. After extensive watching of the Food network he decided that he needed his very own chef's hat. Fortunately, Mom caught him as he was attempting to attach the his hat directly to his head using tape and they were able to compromise and add a band.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bun in the Oven

I think the picture says it all. That's right, we are finally expecting number 2! We are so excited and feel very blessed. Heidi is about 12 weeks along and the expected due date is Oct 30th (although I am hoping for a Halloween baby).

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Gift From Mom

My mom sent us a picture for over
our empty mantel. We are so grateful! We
have been wanting a picture of our Savior to
represent the focus of our family. Although
Caden's favorite part was the cardboard that
came with it. He wrote all over it and called
it his title of liberty. Then he climbed up on
the counter and told Jared to repent.

Our Downtown Akron Adventure

We finally made it to the infamous Quaker Square in downtown Akron. (We actually just stumbled onto it after we spend the morning at the National Inventors Hall of Fame) Unfortunately, both sites were a little run down but nonetheless we managed to enjoy ourselves.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend

Caden made quite the haul at our 3rd annual Easter Egg Hunt (although he really hasn't had too much competition). Notice the extreme speed in which he is able to gather eggs. Heidi also wants to point out the cute new Easter outfit he is sporting. To all our friends... Happy Hunting!

This is our attempt at coloring eggs this year. Somehow all the eggs turned out a brownish color by the time he finished dipping them in all the colors.

Easter Bunny Visit

Here is the Easter Bunny that Caden found at our local Wal-Mart. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to run into this Easter Bunny alone in a dark alley.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Proud Mom

Yesterday, Caden asked if I could help him find his journal. He told me that he needed to read his scriptures and write in his journal. (He loves looking at the pictures at the beginning of The Book of Mormon.) After helping him set up, I was excited that he was going to entertain himself for awhile. Ten minutes later he came down the stairs to show me his insight. He had copied the words from the cover page of the scriptures. Being the biased mom that I am, I think it is pretty good for a three and a half year old.
I will try to give you a close up.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Late for School

Here is Caden on his way to another exciting day of preschool. His favorite things to do at school are updating the calendar and taste testing new foods.

Joining the Band Wagon

Heidi's Comment:
Jared had some weird urge to start a blog, which is totally opposite of both of our personalities because we are worst with keeping in touch with people. Let's see how long this lasts. (Especially since I told him he is in charge of updating things). I was content just reading all of our friend's blogs, but thought it might also be fun to show off our amazing little boy.

Caden's Comment:
Today was my first day praying in Primary. I loved talking in the microphone. I would like to invite all of you to come over and build a train with me out of wood. We can all go on a ride in it.

Jared's Comment:
No comment! (I think that Heidi and Caden's comments say it all.)