Sunday, June 1, 2008

Picnic Anyone?

This was Caden's final day of preschool. They were all invited to bring their Teddy Bears for a class picnic. Caden decided to bring both his Teddy Bears (Apple and Sleddy). Although Caden will miss his school until Fall, Mom is relieved that at least she gets the summer off from trying to get Caden to be up and at em by 9:00 a.m. (He gets his heavy sleeping from her!)


HolliJo said...

So, we thought we would let you know that you have inspired us to create our own blog. However it won't be quite as exciting as we don't have any cute kids to post pictures of. But we love reading your posts about what's going on in Ohio! Can't wait to see yall in August!

marisa said...

Could we have a baby update please? It was so fun to talk to you a few weeks ago...we definitely miss you guys!

Brimaca said...

Spittin' image of his mamma!