Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bun in the Oven

I think the picture says it all. That's right, we are finally expecting number 2! We are so excited and feel very blessed. Heidi is about 12 weeks along and the expected due date is Oct 30th (although I am hoping for a Halloween baby).


marisa said...

look at those cute little arms and legs! I was just looking at pictures from when you lived out West of the kids playing in the little truck in your backyard. I remember saying to you that day I think I could be pregnant...and sure enough Lyndie was on the way! I am so happy for all of you! I just wish that we still lived near you! take care!

the kings said...

Wonderful news - we are so excited for you!
Tyler, Kelly and fam

Sarah said...

Yeah!!! We are only one week apart! I'm so excited for you guys. How are you feeling???

Travis said...

Congrats guys!

Kelly said...

That is wonderful news! We are so excited for you guys. Can't wait to find out the sex!

Chase said...


What's up dude? This is Chase McLauchlin. Hope the fam is doing well. Congrats on the pregnancy (wife).

You should check out Christina's blog

or my blog,

Mel said...

I saw that you commented on Sarah's blog. Your family is so cute. Congrats on baby #2. It looks like you guys are doing well and having fun.

Unknown said...

Hey Heidi you probably dont remember me but I saw your blog on Mels, it Amanda Lamb. I love bloggin it helps to find long lost friends!!