Monday, October 12, 2009

The Boys - October 09

Here are a couple of pictures of the boys. As you can tell, Colton has quite the head of hair. As for Caden, this is him getting off the bus after his first day at school. He is really enjoying it (especially recess and riding the bus - anyone surprised?).


Meredith Williams said...

I cannot believe how much hair Colton has!! Hopefully, someday Evelyn will have hair! Sorry about the accident but glad to hear you are all ok.

Brimaca said...

He does have a head of hair! So cute! I wish I could blow the pics of bigger. Beautiful kids. I wish I could see them in person!

HolliJo said...

Ah we miss you guys! Like a TON! Love the pictures. And we're glad you're okay from the accident!

Porter's said...

hey heidi! i found your blog on melissa's :) hope you don't mind. you guys look great and your boys are adorable!

Sarah said...

Colton looks so much different from when we saw him last. Darling!!