Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Gift From Mom

My mom sent us a picture for over
our empty mantel. We are so grateful! We
have been wanting a picture of our Savior to
represent the focus of our family. Although
Caden's favorite part was the cardboard that
came with it. He wrote all over it and called
it his title of liberty. Then he climbed up on
the counter and told Jared to repent.

Our Downtown Akron Adventure

We finally made it to the infamous Quaker Square in downtown Akron. (We actually just stumbled onto it after we spend the morning at the National Inventors Hall of Fame) Unfortunately, both sites were a little run down but nonetheless we managed to enjoy ourselves.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend

Caden made quite the haul at our 3rd annual Easter Egg Hunt (although he really hasn't had too much competition). Notice the extreme speed in which he is able to gather eggs. Heidi also wants to point out the cute new Easter outfit he is sporting. To all our friends... Happy Hunting!

This is our attempt at coloring eggs this year. Somehow all the eggs turned out a brownish color by the time he finished dipping them in all the colors.

Easter Bunny Visit

Here is the Easter Bunny that Caden found at our local Wal-Mart. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to run into this Easter Bunny alone in a dark alley.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Proud Mom

Yesterday, Caden asked if I could help him find his journal. He told me that he needed to read his scriptures and write in his journal. (He loves looking at the pictures at the beginning of The Book of Mormon.) After helping him set up, I was excited that he was going to entertain himself for awhile. Ten minutes later he came down the stairs to show me his insight. He had copied the words from the cover page of the scriptures. Being the biased mom that I am, I think it is pretty good for a three and a half year old.
I will try to give you a close up.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Late for School

Here is Caden on his way to another exciting day of preschool. His favorite things to do at school are updating the calendar and taste testing new foods.

Joining the Band Wagon

Heidi's Comment:
Jared had some weird urge to start a blog, which is totally opposite of both of our personalities because we are worst with keeping in touch with people. Let's see how long this lasts. (Especially since I told him he is in charge of updating things). I was content just reading all of our friend's blogs, but thought it might also be fun to show off our amazing little boy.

Caden's Comment:
Today was my first day praying in Primary. I loved talking in the microphone. I would like to invite all of you to come over and build a train with me out of wood. We can all go on a ride in it.

Jared's Comment:
No comment! (I think that Heidi and Caden's comments say it all.)